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Configuration of VuePrint

The configuration of VuePrint is meant to be simple and easy, while providing the most flexibility where needed and / or possible.

Nuxt Module Configuration Options

apiApiPluginOptionsDefines the options for the API Service
busBusPluginOptionsDefines the options for the Bus Service
identityIdentityPluginOptionsDefines the options for the Identity Service
lsLocalStoragePluginOptionsDefines the options for the Local Storage Service
pushPushPluginOptionsDefines the options for the Local Storage Service
uiUiPluginOptionsDefines the list of options for the UI Service
vuetifyVuetifyPluginOptionsDefines the list options for the Vuetify Service
webfontloaderWebfontloaderPluginOptionsDefines the options for loading custom external fonts using WebFontLoader

Vue Main Plugin Options

apiApiPluginOptionsDefines the options for the API Service
busBusPluginOptionsDefines the options for the Bus Service
identityIdentityPluginOptionsDefines the options for the Identity Service
lsLocalStoragePluginOptionsDefines the options for the Local Storage Service
vuetifyVuetifyPluginOptionsDefines the list options for the Vuetify Service

Vue Client Plugin Options

pushPushPluginOptionsDefines the options for the Local Storage Service
uiUiPluginOptionsDefines the list of options for the UI Service
webfontloaderWebfontloaderPluginOptionsDefines the options for loading custom external fonts using WebFontLoader

ApiPluginOptions Options

baseURLstringThe Base URL of the API Service being integrated with

BusPluginOptions Options

namespacestringThe namespace to use in the broadcast-channel to ensure that messages are sent and received between tabs

IdentityPluginOptions Options

tokenRefreshTokenRefreshCallbackThe function which will be triggered by the identity service to attempt to refresh the bearer authentication when the it is close to expiring
tokenRefreshBuffernumberThe amount of time in milliseconds before the token expires before a token is considered refreshable (default: 5 minutes)

LocalStoragePluginOptions Options

namespacestringThe namespace under which all of the information for the local storage will be stored and encrypted

PushPluginOptions Options

firebaseOptionsFirebaseOptionsFirebase configuration object. Contains a set of parameters required by services in order to successfully communicate with Firebase server APIs and to associate client data with your Firebase project and Firebase application.
onAuthenticatedForFirebaseFirebaseTokenAuthenticationCallbackThe callback that is used to store the Firebase Messaging Token in an external service which requires it.
onUnauthenticatedForFirebaseFirebaseTokenAuthenticationCallbackThe callback that is used to inform an external service that a token is no longer associated with a user
serviceWorkerModenull, "classic", "module"The mode which is used to load the service worker for interacting with Firebase
serviceWorkerPathnull or stringThe absolute URL pathname of the service worker which should be loaded

UiPluginOptions Options

soundsRecord<string, string>An object in key:url format with a list of sounds which should be loaded on boot

VuetifyPluginOptions Options

defaultThemestringThe primary theme that will be loaded on boot
themesVuetifiableThemesAn object which defines the themes available to Vuetify
optionsVuetifyOptionsAn object defining the remaining options availeble to configure Vuetify with. Options relating to themes will be overwritten with information inferred from the options passed in the defaultTheme and themes options

VuetifiableTheme Options

The VuetifiableTheme Interface is an update for Vuetify's built-in ThemeDefinition object with the following changes:

colorsVuetifiableColorsAn object in key:color format which defines the colors which will be used by the Vuetify theme

WebfontloaderPluginOptions Options

See the WebFontLoader Documentation for more information

Vueprint is a commercial work product released under the MIT License and is provided as-is with no warranty or guarantee of support.