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@jakguru/vueprint / @jakguru/vueprint/services/ui

Module: @jakguru/vueprint/services/ui


The UI Service provides libraries which can be used in conjunction with Vuetify to provide a user feedback. It provides specific services for:

Accessing the UI Service

The UI Service is both injectable and accessible from the global Vue instance:


<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, inject } from 'vue'
import type { SwalService, ToastService, NotyfService, SoundsService } from '@jakguru/vueprint'
export default defineComponent({
    setup() {
        const swal = inject<SwalService>('swal')
        const toast = inject<ToastService>('toast')
        const notyf = inject<NotyfService>('notyf')
        const sounds = inject<SoundsService>('sounds')
        return {}
    mounted() {
        const swal: SwalService = this.config.globalProperties.$swal
        const toast: ToastService = this.config.globalProperties.$toast
        const notyf: NotyfService = this.config.globalProperties.$notyf
        const sounds: SoundsService = this.config.globalProperties.$sounds

Using the UI Service

SweetAlert2 Alerts

The built in SweetAlert2 Alerts are styled to match the theme of the application using Vuetify's styling classes.

For in-depth specifications, please see the SweetAlert2 Documentation

SweetAlert2 Toasts

The built in SweetAlert2 Toasts are configured to show a toast notification which is styled to match the theme of the application using Vuetify's styling classes.

For in-depth specifications, please see the SweetAlert2 Documentation

Notyf Toasts

The built in Notyf integration simply provides the integration as-is without any specific changes or modifications. The main advantage of using Notyf over SweetAlert2 Toasts is that you can have multiple toasts show at the same time.

For in-depth specifications, please see the Notyf Documentation


The SoundsService manages the sounds which are available by exposing the SoundsService.add method, and allows sounds to be played using the method.


For more specifics, see the SoundsService documentation.



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